Tuesday, April 27, 2010

23 april 2010

Today I spent my 2 session of music theory class to make the 16 bars of my jingle. I made it first in paper and I edit it in finale. After that, I practiced for performance which is sway performance, I played violin instrument

20 april 2010

Today in music theory class, my teacher explained for the project that collaborate with other subject which is business. And I had to make the jingle to my product in finale.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

16 april 2010

Today in music theory class, I have done the theory quiz, which consists of chord and theory of jazz and overall I can did it well for the chord, but I face some weakness when I did the jazz theory

16 april 2010

Today in music theory class, I have done the theory quiz, which consists of chord and theory of jazz and overall I can did it well for the chord, but I face some weakness when I did the jazz theory

13 april 2010

Today is my assessment to sing the jazz song which is I got rhythm. I sang it solo in fron of the class. The lyrics of the song was not hard to memorize, so, I sang in front of the class without lyrics.

9 april 2010

Today I made a presentation of questions that will use for my written test. After I made, the presentation, my group presented in front of the class. After that, other group asked my group to answer the question about my presentation, swing jazz.

6 april 2010

Today is my first day of term 4, I have learned the dominant 7th and major and minor chord, next week will have quiz on chord, next week will have quiz on chord. And today also I form group for music performance

12 march 2010

Today is my assessment for improvisation 12 bar blues.I practice just once and when I performed in front of the class. I was so nervous and I tried to finish the song well.

2 march 2010

Today is my assessment day to play all of me, I have about half hour to practice and I wan so nervous but it tried to finished my songs